Monday, August 6, 2012

Back Attack Workout

Now it's time for the fun part. Workouts. 

My training split as is follows: Monday- Back, Tuesday- Chest and Triceps, Wednesday- Shoulders and Biceps, Thursday- Legs, and Friday- Back and Biceps. I hit upper abs Monday, obliques Wednesday, and lower abs Friday. 

Today, Monday, is back day. I love training my back. When you think of a well-rounded physique the first thing that pops out at you are huge, cobra traps and a wide, v-tapered back. This is the routine I follow to achieve the width and thickness everyone wants in their back.

Warmup: 4 sets of 10 pull-ups (bodyweight)

Exercise 1: 4 sets 10x8x8x6 of bent over rows (increase the weight each set)

Exercise 2: 4 sets 10x8x8x6 wide grip lat pulldowns (increase the weight each set)

Exercise 3: 4 sets 10x8x8x6 wide grip seated rows (increase the weight each set)

Exercise 4: 3 sets of 15 back extensions (use weights if necessary) 

Exercise 5: 4 sets 10x8x8x6 one arm rows (increase the weight each set)

Exercise 6: 3 sets of 15 dumbbell or barbell shrugs

That should stimulate all the muscle fibers in your back and lead to quick muscle growth. 

Next up is upper abs. These exercises should be preformed in a super-set (no rest between exercises)

Routine: Push-troughs (sit-up position and take your hands between you legs), ball roll outs (forearms on a ball and roll out toward your elbows), and weighted double leg stretch (basically, a total body crunch). Repeat this circuit 3 times

After this I usually do 20 minutes on the stair master to finish up. Remember to properly refuel after every workout and keep that mind-muscle connection!

Lift strong guys


  1. A series of pictures or a video would make this post go from great to great-tastic !

  2. For between sets and exercises what do you use to drink? Muscle milk? Protein shakes? Also for cardio i find trying swimming once a week with about 50 lengths really help you to work on all your body at once. Pictures or video would be nice too.

    1. I just drink water throughout the workout. I have never used an intra-workout supplement. I use Dymatize Iso-100 whey protein pre and post workout. As for the swimming I totally agree with you. I swim sometimes on the weekends for some good off-day cardio.
